The Problem of Biological Weapons

190 kr

Tillgänglighet: 19 i lager

It had been widely assumed that the problem of Biological Weapons had been frozen, if not removed, when the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) came into force in 1975. the subject which had been dormant for some 25 years exploded in the 1990s as an issue for International security elites, most particularly in the United States. The studies combined for this book were written since 1999 in an effort to establish the current global status of biological weapons, their proliferation, their level of threat, and the efforts to bring them under International control.

Utgivningsår: 2004
ISBN: 91-89683-27-7
ISSN: 1402-7593
Format: Mjuk pärm
Sidomfång: 206
Artikelnummer: FHS-06056

Serie: Försvarshögskolans acta. B
Nummerserie: 27
Serie 2: Swedish National Defence College acta. B