Strategic Yearbook 2007

390 kr

Tillgänglighet: 20 i lager

The theme of the 2007 Strategic Yearbook is China’s transformation from being an inward looking country, preoccupied with the development of a model of its own, into becoming a major actor, both in a regional, Asiatic context and in a global setting.

Still, China faces enormous challenges that are not necessarily connected with the international system but purely of China’s own: environmental, social, and infrastructural problems. China’s transition to become a modern, economic and military power has no historical parallel.

This yearbook tries to come to grips with these Chinese problems as well as with the challenge that China poses to other actors, globally and regionally. In focus are China’s relationships with major powers, countries and regions, its military capability building and changing strategic perspectives, but also environmental and societal developments.

Utgivningsår: 2008
ISBN: 978-91-85401-89-5
ISSN: 1404-5842
Format: Hård pärm
Sidomfång: 423
Artikelnummer: FHS-06029

Serie: Strategic Yearbook
Nummerserie: 2007