Strategic Yearbook 2005

409 kr

Tillgänglighet: 4 i lager

The theme of this year’s edition of the Strategic Yearbook is the Middle East. The book examines the relationships between, on the one hand, Europé and the Middle East, and on the other hand, the United States and the Middle East, as well as the internal regional developments, covering issues such the Palestina conflict, the question of weapons of mäss destruction, the strategic role of oil and gas, and the historical, religious and strategic setting of the area.

Utgivningsår: 2005
ISBN: 91-85401-01-3
ISSN: 1404-5842
Format: Hård pärm
Sidomfång: 457
Artikelnummer: FHS-06027

Serie: Strategic Yearbook
Nummerserie: 2005