Stalin’s Baltic fleet and Palm’s T-office

240 kr

Tillgänglighet: 17 i lager

The T-Office was for two decades the most secret part of the Swedish intelligence community. For many years it was widely thought that all traces of it had disappeared from the archives. In 1997 a briefcase with microfilms was handed to the Military Archives in Stockholm – it was the T-Office’s archive. This book is the first in-depth analysis of the activities of the T-office. It is a detailed analysis and research documentation of the reporting on the Soviet Baltic Fleet in 1946-1947. The theoretical framework is based on the so-called intelligence cycle, where it is assumed that requirements from end users drive the collecting activities of various intelligence organizations. Sets of written requirements from the Defence Staff are used in assessing the ability of the T-Office to report on subjects of interest. A number of ’agent photos’ and a documentary appendix are included in the book.

Utgivningsår: 2006
ISBN: 91-85401-42-0
ISSN: 1652-5388
Format: Mjuk pärm
Sidomfång: 191
Artikelnummer: FHS-05803

Serie: Försvaret och det kalla kriget (FOKK)
Nummerserie: 7
Alternativ titel: Forum navales skriftserie
ISSN 2: 1650-1837
Nummerserie 2: 16