Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism in a Multi-Centric World

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Tillgänglighet: 11 i lager

War Studies Research Reports No. 13An important element in determining the kinds of knowledge that are important in today’s area of counter-terrorism is to understand the complex relationships among different actors and their modes of interaction across the entire spectrum of policy domains. This book attempts to map these relationships within states, between states, and transnationally. Professor Ronald D. Crelinsten is currently Senior Research Associate at the Centre for Global Studies at the University of Victoria, and a founding member of the editorial board of Terrorism and Political Violence, the leading academic journal on terrorism studies. The book is published by the SNDC’s Department of War Studies in cooperation with the Center for Asymmetric Threat Studies (CATS)

Utgivningsår: 2006
ISBN: 91-85401-36-6
ISSN: 1652-229X
Format: Mjuk pärm
Sidomfång: 122
Artikelnummer: FHS-05858

Serie: Krigsvetenskapliga forskningsrapporter
Nummerserie: 13
Serie 2: War studies research reports