Generating Change

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This study looks into an aspect oftransatlantic security that has been the subject of too few scholarly studies: the role ofan intemational organisation in the reconstruction ofa territory that has suffered the ravages ofwar. How, Andreas Norman asks, did the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (OSCE BiH), attempt to promote change in Bosnia on the implementation ofproperty laws conceming the retum ofrefugees claiming access to the property that they had abandoned in fleeing? In his detailed analysis, the author uses organisational theory as a tool to understand what is essentially an analytic problem for intemational relations. The result is a novel approach to the study ofthe attempts to build peace in the former Yugoslavia. It is also a fascinating inquiry into how an intemational organisation in its daily actions attempts to further peace in an extremely complex environment.

Utgivningsår: 2005
ISBN: 91-85401-28-5
ISSN: 1653-3097
Format: Mjuk pärm
Sidomfång: 113
Artikelnummer: FHS-05674

Serie: Studies in Security
Nummerserie: 1