Functional Security and Crisis Management Capacity in the European Union

90 kr

Tillgänglighet: 20 i lager

This report presents the results of an in-depth survey of the EU’s sability to manage threats and crises across its sectoral competences. Investigating four dimensions of crisis management – prevention, preparation, response, and aftermath – the survey reveals both formal and informal capacities relevant to crisis management. It also highlights a number of unanswered questions and difficult obstacles to the EU’s contribution to crisis management. Firmly rooted in empirics, the report serves as both an illuminating guide for practitioners and a rich foundation for scholars theorizing about the EU:s role in security, crisis management, and multilevel governance in Europe.

Utgivningsår: 2006
ISBN: 91-85401-38-2
ISSN: 1402-7593
Format: Mjuk pärm
Sidomfång: 103
Artikelnummer: FHS-05822

Serie: Försvarshögskolans acta. B
Nummerserie: 36
Serie 2: Swedish National Defence College acta. B